I set out to document my work on the PC3100 (the 2Mb model) for, believe or not, the actual original developers of the PC3000 - DIP..! Yes, they were close to home and I had some good service from them. They were totally 'blown' when I told them what I had done with their baby and asked for full details.
At the time I was looking for help in getting my PC3100 to boot DOS 6.22 from my 2Mb SRAM card but, there is a format mismatch between the PC3k BIOS format and the necessary DOS 6.22 format. Perhaps formating the SRAM card on a DOS 6.x as a /SYS disk on a Laptop might solve the problem? Anyway, DIP desperately regretted SHARP not continuing investment in this machine as up until the end, they could sell every one they had. But, we users live on and these machines change hands at a fair rate - mainly because users try to run them with the minimum equipment spec and as we know, it can bite back!!
I have a very stable setup. Everything is backed up and safeguarded, and extra memory allows you to *instantly* reconfigure from a reset and, it is still small enough to be classed as Pocketable!
Windows 3 on the PC3000
I Have also got Excel 2.1 working similarly under this setup too. I can also just find enough memory to DLL between Winword and Excel, but it is tight. Still, even MS don't think it possible on anything lower than a 286!! All the DOS apps can be launched from Program Manager from icons and revert back when closed.
I set out to install Win 3.0 after I had installed a Sundisk 10Mb Flash card which I Stac'd to 20Mb. I have a 2Mb SRAM also for drivers etc. This allows me to release EMS from the E: ram drive and as I have the PC3100, I can Stac E: to get some of the lost storage back. Unfortunately Windows pre W95 does not provide for much memory management and even with a potential 2Mb of RAM (640 + 1340EMS) its not easy running in REAL mode. However this avenue hasn't been exhausted yet and I'm always hunting around for old Win 3.0 utils and FAQ files in some shareware libraries. Any suggestions here welcome!!!
I have a full installation which takes up about 6Mb but you can reduce this to a minimum of just 600K! -Windows on a floppy!!
I only really set out to investigate how useful it could be and didn't plan to use it for all of my everyday activities, but I tend to use it more now WfW 1.x is available. Although the screen is small, it can be navigated very quickly and easily with keyboard commands but you need a mouse for realistic control of Paintbrush. A mouse though then hogs Com 1, so a compromise if you want to use the modem with Terminal or Winfax 1.0 too.
I also am into MIDI and there are some MIDI apps that run OK, 'Midi100' being one - this is useful for remapping midi files and works well with my MT32 amoungst others.
Of course the Windows applet 'WRITE' is useful for creating, quick, semi formatted Win text and importing into Win 3.1x/95 and I have an ASCII app that works the same as Windows' Charmap. Overall it gave me an enormous thrill each time I loaded Windows up on my palmtop to see an emulation of a workplace desktop machine! I'm sure that there is much more that can be accomplished niw though, except for use of modern Compact Flash disks. Remember though, DOS has a 32Mb partition limit.
"Yeah, but what about WinCE/Palm etc" you might ask... Well, I paid £100 for my Palmtop late '94 nearly 3 years before WinCE limped onto the stage and have had the benefit of it for nearly 10 years... not a bad return!
Upper Memory Use
SCSI on the PC3000 (CD ROM and ZIP)
MIDI on the PC3000
WWW Browsers for the PC3000
download the app from http://www.nettamer.net visit the newsgroup: alt.comp.shareware.nettamer
I have had a brief flirtation with a graphical DOS browser called Arachne. Coded by a Chezch developer, Michael Polak, it offers a graphical interface and use of built-in fonts. I found it to be memory hungry but did get connections on numerous instances. The code is not as tight as it could be and even later versions has bugs that were equally apparent when running on a fully spec'd Pentium laptop. Sadly, this type of browsing seems out of the realms of pre 286 DOS machines, although users of HP's 100 and 200 LX units can run WWW/LX. I had a conversation with the developers of this a while back and apparently any DOS machine can run this, but you need LXPIC and a further utility called PALRUN running also. This and more details are available from: http://www.palmtop.net
Compuserve on the PC3000
FAXing on the PC3000
Graphics on the PC3000
Word Processing on the PC3000
External Devices and Connectivity
Being an avid ATARI ST user initially, I can even exchange files/data between the PC3000 using a Null (Laplink) modem cable and my ST via a useful ATARI app called 'Ghostlink'. Sluggish, but another method of getting data to the PC3000 should my external floppy fail.
Although Laplink is on ROM on the PC3000, some modern PCs have difficulty talking at the lower speeds of the PC3000. However, I do not have trouble with the PC3000 Laplink and a Pentium rated W95/98 laptop. You *must* ensure that MODE.COM is native in the root directory of the 'Remote' PC (the PC3000 being the 'Host') along with a copy of the PC3000's Laplink.exe file. Also, boot the W95 or other 'Remote' PC in MS DOS Mode, load Laplink on the PC3000 and then run 'laplink' on the connected 'Remote' PC and away you go.
Should this not work then MS Interlink grabbed from a later version of DOS works in 9 out of 10 cases with greater ease of setup once you know the score. A quick 'how to' .txt file is available on request.
A DOS shareware app called MACSEE will allow you to read and write Mac formatted disks - if you have the floppy drive of course.
The PC3k Mailing List/FTP Site
Subscribe at:sharp-pc3k@kogs1.informatik.uni-hamburg.de
Also check out and ask questions at the comp.sys.palmtops newsgroup. PC3000 users are still hanging around here (perhaps in the background more now though...!)
Sadly the old FTP site has now gone - it was at: ftp://hawk.psychol.ucl.ac.uk/pub/sharp-pc3k
All of the applications I have outlined here (save SCSI) I can have permanently loaded and ready to run on my PC3100. Use of PKzip and the real time .exe compression utility DIET help keep storage requirements to a minimum. I have about 4Mb spare for my workspace (with WfW 1.x cut-down Excel and Win 3.0 loaded too), a little overflow space on E: of about 900Kb and 200Kb on the unStack'd 2Mb SRAM card - for any future 'essential' drivers.
I have enjoyed customising my PC3100 and am proud of my system. A little careful investment has meant that I have been able to achieve a great deal and understand PC technology far better. In fact, the PC3100 was my very first PC - even the office at work was void of PC's opting for a XENIX network of all things right up to 1998!
More PC3000 facts... From: Mark Gardiner, ma_gardiner@hotmail.com
Useful sources of shareware files are:
...and if you know the name or part of it but can't find it amongst the shareware sites, try searching the FTP sites from:
(I have some spares available for sale - MAY 2011)
SOME LINKS VOID NOW - But use of GOOGLE will reveal many of the items mentioned here UPDATED MAY 2011