Rivington Road Seniors 1953-4 with Waller Morgan.



Rivington Primary School 1949 with Miss Bainbridge.



Rivington Road Seniors 1953 with J.T.Jones.
Back Row. Hale, lee, Shacklady, Forber, Duggan, Critchley, Gornall, Pye.
Middle Row. Holland, Smith, Cropper, Bellis, Plumpton, Parr, Unknown, Gee, Scott.
Front Row. Owen, Johnson, Mcintyre, Derbyshire, Unknown, Stott.
Seated, Cliff, Burchall, Grundy, Potter.



1950 Rivington Rd School Rugby League Finelist Daily Dispatch Shield played at the Saints.



Rivington Road Juniors 1955.


Back Row. Glover, Dennis McGloughlin, Fred Terry, John Flynn, Barry Gore, John Hankinson, John Hill.
Front Row. Harold Greenall, Joe Hendy, Paddy Riley??, Stan Ashcroft, Terry McGloughlin, Harry Knee, Arthur Moore.

St Teresas Rugby Team.1949-50.



Back Row, L/R, John Hill,Barry Gore,John Flynn,Bill Smith,John Hankinson,Terry Mcgloghlin,
Front Row L/R Joe Hendey,Stan Ashcroft,Unknown,Unknown,Unknown,Harry Knee,Unknown.

St Teresas Junior Cricket Team 1950.


St Teresas School 1927.
The gentleman on the right is the headmaster Mr. Hull (Daddy), the lady on the left is Miss Agnes Lewis.


St Teresas



St Teresas 1st Eleven 1948-49



Cowley School 1942.




Cowley School 1945



Rivington Road Juniors  1961.

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