Local Customs
The most important date in the local calendar is the 1st May each year when the Mayday festivities take place. This is a very special day to Padstonians wherever they happen to be in the world, it is the day when their thoughts focus on Padstow, families, friends and the celebrations that are taking place.   

The centerpiece of the May Day exhibits is the Obby-Oss a rather fearsome symbol, consisting of a black canvas covered hoop structure with a horse like head with snapping jaws and a sizeable tail. With this is the mask worn by the person carrying the Oss and the Teaser's club. Surrounding the Oss are drums, accordion, photographs and other items of interest. The museum archives hold a considerable collection of photographs covering the period 1900 to the present day. 

To read further see Mayday History

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Display of Oss & regalia at the museum.